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Zeolite clinoptilolite from Zeonatura, 4kg

149,90  inkl. MwSt.

37,48  / kg

4kg finest Zeonatura zeolite clinoptilolite powder.

Produkt enthält: 4 kg

SKU: 1021 Category:

4kg finest Zeonatura zeolite clinoptilolite powder. Milled to <80 microns, 95% clinoptilolite content, selected raw material, and volcanic rock dried to less than 5% residual moisture.
One micron abbreviated µm, corresponds to the millionth of a meter, that is, a thousandth of a millimeter.
The natural zeolite-clinoptilolite of Zeonatura contains according to the manufacturer no additives, extenders or additives, is free of wheat, gluten, dairy products (lactose), sugar, dyes, starch, flavorings, preservatives, active yeast or other substances.
Clinoptilolite has so far only been approved in the European Union under Council Directive 70/524/EEC on additives in animal nutrition, in the category of binders, anti-caking agents and coagulants. The Zeolite Clinoptilolite offered here by Zeonatura is a high-quality natural product of volcanic origin and meets the content requirements specified by the EU Directive.

Reference to our products
No promises of healing are made when using any of the products of Steramedig GmbH. The statements made here on targeted frequency therapy, as well as the associated products are based on alternative medical knowledge that is not recognized by so-called conventional medicine. The statements made about indications and effectiveness as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or non-medical practitioner. This also applies to angle rod tensors or electrosmog erasers. The user is responsible for the use and the choice of the correct application.

Weight5 kg