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Special course: Diagnostics and therapy of vaccination damages

178,50  inkl. MwSt.

Special course: Diagnostics and therapy of vaccination damages


SKU: 1085 Category:

Special course: Diagnostics and therapy of vaccination damages

 During this half-day course, diagnosis and therapy of current and known vaccine damages will be suggested. Also discussed will be the different complications of the approved vaccines.

Reference to our products
No promises of healing are made when using any of the products of Steramedig GmbH. The statements made here on targeted frequency therapy, as well as the associated products are based on alternative medical knowledge that is not recognized by so-called conventional medicine. The statements made about indications and effectiveness as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or non-medical practitioner. This also applies to angle rod tensors or electrosmog erasers. The user is responsible for the use and the choice of the correct application.


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