Steramedig GmbH

Register to purchase our expanded selection of therapies, chip cards and equipment. You will also be able to access our extensive course schedule as well as steady member discounts.

Our therapies and the associated devices are sold exclusively to therapists, medical professionals and to their patients who can demonstrate knowledge, or a treatment, in targeted frequency therapy.

We kindly ask to add a note or proof of your activity or affiliation as a patient in the therapeutic/medical field to your registration, in order to be able to use further advantages of our website.

If your registration is not activated within 3 working days, please contact us directly via our contact form.

Bitte füllen Sie folgende Felder aus:

  • Primary Phone

  • Jedermann
  • Falls sie einen Therapeuten Account wünschen: Bitte geben sie einen Hinweis wo sie als Frequenz-Therapeut ausgebildet wurden. Bei Patienten Account: bei welchem Therapeuten sie Frequenz-Patient sind. // If you want a therapist account: Please indicate where you have been trained as a frequency therapist. For patient account: with which therapist you are a frequency patient. // Si desea una cuenta de terapeuta: Indique dónde se ha formado como terapeuta de frecuencia. Para cuenta de paciente: con qué terapeuta es paciente de frecuencia.

  • Gender


Verification / Verification / Verificación